What are the differences between UV, RO and UF water purifiers?

What are the differences between UV, RO and UF water purifiers?
  In today's world, 'Dirty water' causes much more damage than just the water-borne illnesses. Contaminants such as arsenic, lead, and other harmful particles are potentially lethal in the long term and are the actual slow killers. In such cases, investing in a reliable water purifier will eliminate not only bacteria or viruses but will also remove other hazardous particle and solvents thus keeping you healthy. Clean drinking water technologies such ...

Common DIY Solutions to your Water Purifier Problems

Common DIY Solutions to your Water Purifier Problems
Water purifier is an inexpensive solution to provide clean drinking water to your home. While choosing a good water purifier for your requirement is important, it is as crucial to keep the water purifier in good working order for you to enjoy the advantages of clean drinking water. It is important to choose the best water purifier services, but you can also maintain your water purifier yourself. Here we will discuss some frequent problems that you may expe